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NEW - Uploading a Form

Many opportunities require forms like certain releases, etc. ServiceReef now allows you to save forms sent back from participants to their profile. The attached PDF walks you through how to do this step by step. Remember that you must first reference these forms in your opportunity. You can read more here.

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Admins Posting Stories

Ever need to post a story for an event (as an admin)? Many of our organizations will collect stories during debriefs or through other means but they still want these stories posted to the event page. ServiceReef has added the ability to allow the event admin to load these stories even if they are not an event participant. How can an event admin load a story? The event admin must sig...

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Tips for Holiday Marketing

Thanksgiving and Christmas are around the corner and for many organizations this is the season for making huge asks and requests for involvement. Everyone is busy during this time of the year - don’t forget that. Yes, this is when many people will dive into end of year giving but there’s still a need to honor and respect our constituents. Here are just a few ideas for ways to eng...

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Building a Work Back Schedule

Besides having a budget (which is covered later), one of the most foundational tools you’re going to use is a work-back calendar. Work-back calendars are simple and we’re providing you an example one to the right and a blank worksheet to the bottom. Use this template to help you build your event calendar. You can either build this calendar based on event dates or desired days to ...

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Building a Short Term Trip Budget

There is a lot to consider when building your event budget. This post is designed to help you think through many of those items so something doesn’t take you by surprise. Things to consider Have you researched to know all the costs? Do you know if each member will have to raise their full amount of will you subsidize some of the costs? Are you going to have an application ...

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What is a Volunteer Engagement Strategy

Volunteer Engagement is when you build a collective listing of serving opportunities from your local community partners and global partners.

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Can't Send Short Term Trips? Tip 2: Equip Your Leaders

Can't Send Short Term Trips? Tip #2 - Equip Your Leaders Big Picture: Your leaders are your greatest vision advocates... equip them to multiply your vision. A CEO once asked me if you were rolling out a new initiative... if the time should first be spent engaging your internal teams or making an announcement to the public. Answer... you should always first engage your internal team...

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Can't Send Short Term Trips? Tip 6: Lift Up Partners

Can't Send Short Term Trips? Tip #6 - Lift Up Partners Big Picture: Partners are critical to the success of missional engagement - use this season to help shine a light on them. Partners often get taken for granted in our web of missional engagement. We work so closely with them and our people know them so well that we often forget to take a step back and really focus on helping ot...

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Can't Send Short Term Trips? Tip 7: Prepare for Relaunch

Can't Send Short Term Trips? Tip #7 - Prepare for Relaunch Big Picture: Your relaunch will communicate a lot to your audience. Was it Ben Franklin that said, “Failure to plan is planning to fail.”? I’m not sure, but the quote is awesome! In many ways, this season has given us time to rethink many things about our mission programs. Regardless, you should be taking ...

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What's your ROI from the Local Engagement Strategy?

Implementing a local engagement strategy does not have to be difficult, but what is all that effort really worth? In other words, what is your ROI on your time and energy?

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