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NEW - Master Application

We are excited to have released a new feature on ServiceReef - the Master Application. This is a great way to allow for your trip participants to apply only once to serve with your organization, if you would so choose. Additionally, it makes supporting your applications easier in the future. We thought the best way to unpack this would be to answer some general questions for how this wor...

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Small Groups – PUBLIC PAGE Introduction

Let’s take a quick look at our public page to acquaint ourselves with what the group user experience is going to be. Here’s what you will see: Group Header Group Name Edit button for group leaders (quick access to management portal) Group Description Group Leader Email link for group leader Group image (personalizing the group) General Information...

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Groups Search Page

Welcome to the small groups search page. Our goal here was simple… to help people quickly find their way to the group that meets their interests OR to help them start a group of their own. Geography is important and it’s good to see what’s near or what’s not close to us. Our first impression we desire to give people is to view where the current groups are and be a...

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Budgeting Tool Overview

It’s important to keep track of your finances, especially your expenses. We also understand that every organization managing their finances and budgets very unique to their systems and processes. Our hope is that this tool will enable you to efficiently manage finances, expenses, and reconciliation with minimal work. The budgeting tool is built to allow three primary functions - create...

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Things to Consider in Your Budget

Here are a few things to consider when building your budget... Preparation Retreat Lodging & Meals at Retreat Transportation to Retreat Training Resources Team Gear Meetings Travel to Site Travel around Site Lodging for Event Meals for Event Visas Insurance Project Funds Gifts Debrief Expenses Post-Event Meetings Post-Event Resources

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EFFECTIVE - Four Tips for Effective Short Term Trip Logistical Management

Have a Plan You always have to start with a plan. Benjamin Franklin once said, “failure to plan is planning to fail”. Your plan should include dates, team leaders, expectations, preparation, resources, travel logistics, legal resources, fundraising tools, communication plans, and more. Work the Plan It might sound simple, but once you have the plan, work it! Revie...

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7 Questions You Should Be Asking

There are a several tools out there... and deciphering which is best for you can be a challenge. Here are a few key questions to be asking as you evaluate any new technology.


Leading people to a missional lifestyle: 9 things to do with short-term trips

Learn nine (9) things you may not have thought of to call people to a missional lifestyle.

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How changing your mindset will change how you're leading missions

Learn how changing your mindset will change how you're leading missions so you increase your effectiveness and think in terms of sustainability.

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5 ways to stay on mission at home

Staying on mission at home isn't easy. I want to provide five ways we can encourage our mission trip leaders and their teams to engage the world right around them. After all, that’s what Jesus did.

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