How and what to know when it comes to cancelling or rescheduling a short-term trip?
There is great peace in knowing Jesus. Take care of your heart and encourage your team. Remind them who is in control and that none of this surprises Him.
You are a leader and people are looking to you to lead them and to guide them—especially during tough times in short-term missions.
Learn some helpful steps for how to handle fear and news in light of a pandemic.
You've written your vision and mission. What now? How to you get people around you excited? Here are nine (9) super-practical ways to get people excited before, during, and after mission trips.
There are a several tools out there... and deciphering which is best for you can be a challenge. Here are a few key questions to be asking as you evaluate any new technology.
Going on a short-term mission trip? This is a set of worksheets that will guide you through the key elements in creating, recruiting, and managing your next short-term mission trip.
ServiceReef is pleased to announce new functionality to manage personal fundraising pages.
Just a few things you are now able to do:
Create a standard fundraising letter text
Set standard text to required or editable by participant
Allow users to edit their personal fundraising page
Require approvals for changes to personal fundraising pages
Learn more about personal fundr...
Have a Plan
You always have to start with a plan. Benjamin Franklin once said, “failure to plan is planning to fail”. Your plan should include dates, team leaders, expectations, preparation, resources, travel logistics, legal resources, fundraising tools, communication plans, and more.
Work the Plan
It might sound simple, but once you have the plan, work it! Revie...
The Right Person
It really does start with the right person and this is often best known by watching people as they experience serving opportunities and how they handle smaller responsibilities. You are looking for a person with the right character, the right temperament, the right social skills, and the right administrative skills. Know what you are looking for and keep lists of potential...