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The Journey Continues: 4 Keys to Keeping the Flame Alive After a Mission Trip

We all know that the days and weeks following a trip are brimming with potential. Everyone is excited about what just happened and how they are changed by their experience. However, whenever I ask how that energy is getting captured, focused, or shared, I hear a lot of organizations and churches say things like “Yeah, we really should do this,” but if we are being honest, this is ...

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Can't Send Short Term Trips? Tip 7: Prepare for Relaunch

Can't Send Short Term Trips? Tip #7 - Prepare for Relaunch Big Picture: Your relaunch will communicate a lot to your audience. Was it Ben Franklin that said, “Failure to plan is planning to fail.”? I’m not sure, but the quote is awesome! In many ways, this season has given us time to rethink many things about our mission programs. Regardless, you should be taking ...

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Can't Send Short Term Trips? Tip 6: Lift Up Partners

Can't Send Short Term Trips? Tip #6 - Lift Up Partners Big Picture: Partners are critical to the success of missional engagement - use this season to help shine a light on them. Partners often get taken for granted in our web of missional engagement. We work so closely with them and our people know them so well that we often forget to take a step back and really focus on helping ot...

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The Roadmap to Relaunch

The Roadmap to Relaunch Making the decision to start back into global engagement, especially with short term trips, is enough of a decision on its own. Now it’s time to consider all the logistics for relaunching a short-term trip program. Yes, this is very much like returning to the gym after not exercising for some time. Short-term trip logistics is a finely tuned and highly skille...

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Can't Send Short Term Trips: Tip 5: Share Stories

Can't Send Short Term Trips? Tip #5 - Share Stories Big Picture: Stories are powerful and they are what people remember... share them well and often! Sharing a story well brings glory to God. Stories are powerful things... many refer to stories as the language of the heart. I think we can all relate to hearing someone share some life experiences and all we walk away with are the st...

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Diversifying Engagement Pathways

Diversifying Engagement Pathways Pre-COVID kept many engagements in missions very unilateral… a great deal of short term trip engagement. The pandemic quickly slammed the breaks on international travel and much of global mission work. Post-COVID will release a variety of pathways to engage creating more opportunities for involvement, more systems to be created, and more able to use ...

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Can't Send Short Term Trips? Tip 4: Shift to Local

Can't Send Short Term Trips? Tip #4 - Shift To Local Big Picture: You must give people the opportunity to serve wherever they are... but soon! Many times we don’t think of missions as something that’s local. We won’t dive into that whole discussion... I’m just going to move right into an assumption that we need to shift into being hands and feet right here a...

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Philosophical Approach to Missions

Philosophical Approach to Missions There are always guiding principles in action for how we engage the world around us. These philosophies guide us and serve us well, especially when we identify them and draw them out to their potential. Let’s unpack a few guiding principles to consider but you need to do the work to identify your guiding principles and how you share these with your ...

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Can't Send Short Term Trips: Tip 3: Communicate Well

Can't Send Short Term Trips? Tip #3 - Communicate Well Big Picture: Communicate well and often so your participants feel honored and stay well engaged... don’t allow room for doubt. Seasons of uncertainty can bring doubt and confusion and as things shift around us, we’re all wondering what’s next, how do we navigate things, and what should we be doing. That’...

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Guiding Philosophies | To Local Engagement

See what is at the core of leading and launching a volunteer movement.

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