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New Application Fee Flow

From this point forward, ServiceReef will no longer authorize the full application fee on the credit card when the trip participant first applies. Instead, only $1 will be authorized at the time of application. If the participant is accepted on the trip, the admin will still get the pop-up allowing the admin to charge the full application fee or skip the application fee (e.g. for trip leaders, ...

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What is a Volunteer Engagement Strategy

Volunteer Engagement is when you build a collective listing of serving opportunities from your local community partners and global partners.

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What's your ROI from the Local Engagement Strategy?

Implementing a local engagement strategy does not have to be difficult, but what is all that effort really worth? In other words, what is your ROI on your time and energy?

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How to handle fear and news in light of a pandemic

Learn some helpful steps for how to handle fear and news in light of a pandemic.

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